
Latest Past Events

Homeschool Week

Pioneer Farm 7716 Ohop Valley Road E., Eatonville

Homeschool Weeks: Sept. 22-25, AND Sept. 29-Oct. 2 DUE TO HIGH DEMAND, WE HAVE ADDED A SECOND WEEK TO OUR HOMESCHOOL WEEK! Teaching US or Northwest History from home? Join us during Homeschool Week for our hour-and-a-half  Native American Seasons tour to learn about the life and culture of the Coastal Salish tribes of the Pacific Northwest. If you would like to learn about the life of early pioneer settlers as well, add an hour of programming and do the Combo Package: Native American Seasons tour, Pioneer Folklore, and a Pioneer Craft. $9 per person: Purchase Native American Season tour $15 [...]


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Contact Info

7716 Ohop Valley Road E., Eatonville, WA. 98328

Phone: +1 360-832-6300

Web: Pioneer Farm Museum

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